

时间:2 月 人均:40 元 和谁:夫妻

发表于 2019-08-28 18:47

Jumbo Heritage List©Crown Sword Wave©Jumbo Huang Story

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我们在戴安娜家吃饱喝足就出门,沿泰格苒美兹大街往共和广场徒步(Tigran Mets Street),马路对面就有一栋十多层的老高楼,多是苏联时期的建筑,前方是罗马比萨店,马路上的汽车非常多,公交车多破旧,只有中国捐赠的公交车最漂亮了,车身写着“中亚友谊车”,
我们经过大教堂那里,看到一座雕塑,广场后面就是教堂,草坪上聚集了一些散步的人,再走一会就看到了一个卖汉堡的餐厅,叫“汉堡公主”(Queen Burger & King Burger),









到了下午,我途经共和广场的那家靠近万豪酒店的汇丰银行(HSBC Republic Square),之前有攻略说这里是整个外高加索地区唯一支持银联取现业务的银行,






我走进去参观了一会,有一些基督教徒在蜡烛。我们还经过保护人权组织的办事处和国家电影中心办公室,北方大道酒店所在的区域是繁华地带(Hotel North Avenue),下午我们经过另外一家超市时,










这样我们从伊朗开始,一直都无法用银联卡取现了。(附注:在互联网上搜索“如何用银联卡在亚美尼亚取现金”,只出现一个有价值的信息,时间是2012年,内容为:“反正我当时查银联的官网, 外高地区就没有业务的,

汇丰银行可以支持银联取现, 但是格鲁吉亚的倒闭了. 埃里温的共和广场的那家汇丰银行可以取现. 外高三国基本是货币自由兑换,当然要开收据。不过兑换点数量随城镇大小,几乎呈几何级数递减。第比利斯和巴库街头兑换点大多很显眼,以火车站一带的,普遍汇率更高。



Jumbo Huang Notes: Yesterday we crossed the boarder from Iran to Armenia, we walked on the bridge which crossed the Aras, it is a river in and along the countries of Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Iran. It drains the south side of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains and then joins the Kura River which drains the north side of those mountains. Its total length is 1072 kilometres. Given its length and a basin that covers an area of 102,000 square kilometres, it is one of the largest rivers of the Caucasus. We contacted with Diana through Airbnb and finally found her home located at Tigran Mets Street 27/2 apt70 Kinoteatre Rossia Puzza di Roma, Diana’s registration in airbnb began from Jun 2015, she mentioned that her house had Wifi, TV, Piano, Free Breakfast. There were several positive comments on the airbnb, including Alejandro, Lucia, Adam, Luis, Tania etc. Armenia is a landlocked country in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located in Western Asia, it is bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, the de facto independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and Azerbaijan to the east, and Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the south. Armenia is a unitary, multi-party, democratic nation-state with an ancient cultural heritage. The Kingdom of Van was established in 860 BC and overthrown in the 6th century BC, while some decades later the Satrapy of Armenia was established. The Kingdom of Armenia was restored in the 4th century BC, and in the 1st century BC it reached its height under Tigranes the Great. Armenia became the first state in the world to adopt Christianity as its official religion, in between late 3rd century to early years of the 4th century, becoming the first Christian nation." The ancient Armenian kingdom was split between the Byzantine and Sasanian empires around the early 5th century. Under the Bagratuni dynasty, the Armenian Kingdom was reestablished in the 9th century. Due to declining from wars against the Byzantines, the kingdom fell in 1045 and Armenia was soon after invaded by the Seljuk Turks. An Armenian principality and later a kingdom Cilician Armenia was located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea between the 11th and 14th centuries. Between the 16th century and early 19th century, the traditional Armenian homeland composed of Eastern Armenia and Western Armenia came under rule of the Ottoman and successive Iranian empires, passing between the two over the centuries. By 1828, Eastern Armenia had been conquered by the Russian Empire from Qajar Iran, while most of the western parts of the traditional Armenian homeland still remained under Ottoman rule. During World War I, the Armenians living in their ancestral lands in the Ottoman Empire were systematically exterminated in the Armenian Genocide. In 1918, all non-Russian countries declared independence from the dissolved empire after the Russian Revolution, leading to the establishment of the First Republic of Armenia. By 1920, the state was incorporated into the Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, a founding member of the Soviet Union in 1922. In 1936, the Transcaucasian state was dissolved, leaving its constituent states, including the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic, as full Union republics. The modern Republic of Armenia became independent in 1991 during the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The Republic of Armenia recognizes the Armenian Apostolic Church, the world's oldest national church, as the country's primary religious establishment, The unique Armenian alphabet was invented by Mesrop Mashtots in 405 AD. Armenia is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union, the Council of Europe and the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Armenia supports the de facto independent Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, which was proclaimed in 1991. Yerevan is the capital and largest city of Armenia, and one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited cities. Situated along the Hrazdan River, Yerevan is the administrative, cultural, and industrial center of the country. It has been the capital since 1918, the thirteenth in the history of Armenia, and the seventh located in or around the Ararat plain. The history of Yerevan dates back to the 8th century BC, with the founding of the fortress of Erebuni in 782 BC by king Argishti I at the western extreme of the Ararat plain. Erebuni was "designed as a great administrative and religious centre, a fully royal capital." During the centuries long Iranian rule over Eastern Armenia that lasted from the early 16th century up to 1828, it was the center of Iran's Erivan khanate administrative division from 1736. In 1828, it became part of Imperial Russia alongside the rest of Eastern Armenia who conquered it from Iran through the Russo-Persian War (1826-1828). After World War I, Yerevan became the capital of the First Republic of Armenia as thousands of survivors of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire settled in the area. The city expanded rapidly during the 20th century as Armenia became part of the Soviet Union. In a few decades, Yerevan was transformed from a provincial town within the Russian Empire, to Armenia's principal cultural, artistic, and industrial center, as well as becoming the seat of national government. With the growth of the economy of the country, Yerevan has been undergoing major transformation as many parts of the city have been the recipient of new construction since the early 2000s, and retail outlets as much as restaurants, shops, and street cafes, which were rare during Soviet times, have multiplied. As of 2011, the population of Yerevan was 1,060,138, making up to 35.1% of the total population of Armenia. Yerevan was named the 2012 World Book Capital by UNESCO. Yerevan is an associate member of Eurocities.

Our Hostess was Diana Hovakimyan, She worked at Numismatics, International Association of Singers, charitable NGO. and Dental Clinic,Studied Singing at Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan,Attended from 2010 to 2011. Lives in Yerevan, Armenia。第701回:文明摇篮深坑教堂,叙克拉克骑士城堡








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